Special Interest Group (SIG)
Policy Think Tank

Blockchain is fast emerging area and its very challenging to keep pace with the developments, create policies which are inline with the best international practices.
The Special Interest Group on Policy Think Tank interfaces with policy makers, regulators and key personnel from various state and central government and works as interface for the Blockchain community, startups and Industry to ensure that the interest of all stakeholders is maintained.
The SIG has regular sessions with all stake holders and desires to play a key role in creating a dynamic and robust policy framework in blockchain and allied areas.
Startup Success
The story of Blockchain is being spearheaded by young startups. The key to make India a blockchain powerhouse is to discover, mentor and nurture startups in this space.
The Stratup Success SIG of IBF is committed to provide all the required support in terms of investment, mentoring, talent hunt , GoToMarket or any other kind of support including opening up collaboration opportunities in Indian and overseas markets.
The SIG has a calendar of events around the year to carry on this engagement with startups.

Defi and NFTs

The most controversial and grey areas in blockchains pace are the most abuzz. Are these concepts only hype or they here to disrupt the status of several industries and businesses as we know them today.
It is time to cut the clutter and have a clear approach to harness the power of these emerging fields.
The SIG on disruptive concepts like Crypto, DefI and NFT has the following members
Blockchain is an emerging technology and it is evolving at a phenomenal pace. The challenges of yesterday and giving way to opportunities of future. There are multiple pieces to the blockchain jigsaw puzzle. It is important to have a comprehensive understanding of various technologies, frameworks, protocols in blockchain.
The goal of IBF Technology SIG is also to explore and facilitate an India Blockchain Stack.

Usecases and Best Practices

The power of any technology is the way it is applied. Blockchain has a promise to create a huge impact in multiple industries from Agriculture to Health to governance to name a few. There are several interoperability issues and best practices which need to be identified and addressed for a good blockchain implementation.
A comprehensive blockchain usecase repository and regular reports and articles on Best Practices and standards are some of the stated objectives of this SIG